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Pre-Installed Cable Protector

Move operations from the drill floor to the yard ensuring safety and rig efficiency

Cable clamping today is a long, painful and risky operation. To tackle these challenges, Vallourec is introducing to the market the first ever pre-installed cable protector, moving most of the existing rig floor operations to the yard. The Pre-Installed Cable Protector generates significant rig time savings and safety benefits, while meeting the most advanced technical performances.

Direct rig time savings
Reduce time on the critical path to under 20 seconds per cable protector

Save hours when running completions


Get the string to depth – faster

Safer operations
Reduce time spent & people needed in the ‘red zone’

Decrease the need for crane
movements at the rig site


Secure lifting operations thanks
to exclusively captive parts

Piece of mind
Eliminate the risk of parts falling in the well

Reduce activity in the ‘red zone’


Simplify rig site logistics

Clamping Challenges
  • Traditional cable clamping can be particularly challenging, as it requires cable protectors to be placed around the coupling before fitting two straps around the tubing and then tightening the bolts.

  • Each operation usually takes at least a minute and requires 3 or more people to enter the red zone.

  • Costly logistics of transporting hundreds of cable protectors to the rig floor can result in delays in running operations.

Vallourec has developed the world’s first series of Pre-Installed Cable Protectors (PICP).

  • Cable protectors can be pre-installed offline in the pipe yard
  • 1 operator requires as little as 20 seconds
    to insert and lock the cables
  • PICP can be adapted to any need, including single, dual or multiple cables, and flat pack configurations
Product Range

Vallourec has developed 2 versions of its PICP. The standard model securely holds 2 cables. The multi-capacity version provides extra flexibility, accommodating up to 8 cables, as single lines or in flatpacks.


Both models can be personalized to cover a wide range of needs:


  • 4 ½” & 5 ½” VAM TOP® and VAM® 21 for standard and harsh environments

  • Expansive size range down to 3 ½” and up to 7”

  • Customizable for any T&C connection, including non-Vallourec tubulars & non-VAM® threads

  • Flexible cable configurations: from 1 to 8 lines, tailor-made for different flatpack configurations

  • Choice of metallurgy: carbon steel as standard
    with 13CR stainless, 25CR, Super Duplex and other alloys upon request

  • Design qualified to TR2385 testing protocol
    Worldwide installation services

  • Training available on request
Contact Us


Need more information? Let’s talk about it!

Documents & Resources
Technical Briefing
Vallourec introduces the word's first Pre-Installed Cable Protector! Installation in the yard, instead of the deck. Enhance safety while saving both time and money! To find out how it works, watch now our Technical Briefing:
Discover our Pre-Installer Cable Protector
Customer Story
The world's first Pre-Installed Cable Protectors head deep into an offshore oil well


This Innovation by Vallourec has been trialed by a major UK operator with a number of 5 ½” VAM TOP ® cable protectors being used during their completion running operations. Their feedback was very positive with confirmation of the time savings and single person use. The Completions Supervisor commented: “The general consensus of the team is that everyone likes the product and happy to run them.” During the trial they were picked up with standard side door elevators and supported the weight of 1,100m of tubing. They are now supporting and protecting a pressure and temperature cable that will provide real-time data to the production platform during the life of the well. As this is the start of a multi well project the completion team are keen to use these on all remaining wells.

Successful long string deployment in the North Sea

An international oil & gas operator was looking to improve safety on its North Sea rig. It requested 200 PICP units from Vallourec for a full string. In early 2023, tubing fitted with the units was successfully run in the hole.
On top of the safety benefits, the operator was impressed by how PICP reduced clutter and manual handling, and eliminated the need for manual counting.

Furthermore, the standard RIH procedure remained unchanged. The operator subsequently ordered over a thousand PICPs for additional operations.