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Enhanced Oil Recovery

Boost our oil recovery

Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) is a process to boost the amount of recoverable oil, usually by injecting gas, steam, water or chemicals into the reservoir. This process restores formation pressure and reduces the viscosity of the oil to force the oil out of the ground.
Vallourec unique manufacturing capabilities and technical expertise, such as heavy wall pipe, high strength grades or materials suitable for very sour environment, allows us to provide you with turnkey solutions for your EOR needs.

Customer Stories

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: Miscible gas injection pipes for sour service grades

Client: Petrofac

Product Delivered: 16,800tons of X65QS coated pipe (coating, onsite management and inspections) of which 600tons were 20” x 50.2mm and 4,200tons were 20’’ x 44.5mm

► Toughness tests -40°C & Hydro-tests up to 1,000 bars

Rabab Harweel Project (2016-2017) – Oman



: Compressor system

Client: Gazprom

Product Delivered: 1,000 tons of line pipe for the Russkaya Compressor Station (southern corridor gas pipeline) X70Q on two combinations 16’’ x 27.3mm and 20’’ x 33.7mm

► Toughness tests -26°C & Hydro-tests up to 540 bars

Russkaya Compressor Station Project (2014-2015) - Krasnodar Territory